Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Bio

Amongst many things, I am a very grateful singer/songwriter. I've been blessed by God and life has taken me down highways of incredible experience just like a fairy tale. Growing up, I became attracted to music at an early age. My uncle Robert and his friends used to jam in their living room and I always wanted play with them. Now I can and I have. I watched them as a fire inside me raged. That fire started 20 years ago.

Before learning to play guitar, I would take songs from the radio and rewrite my own childish versions. Years later, I took my aspirations a step a further and learned guitar and started writing my own songs as well as covering other artists' material. I don't have a lot of covers under my belt but there are a few artists in various genres who's songs have struck a chord in me. Johnny Cash, Jim Croce, Cat Stevens, Bob Dylan and Bob Marley are important songwriters that have songs in which I felt inspired to learn and change around ever-so-slightly to make them my own.

As for my original pieces, they dive into the spectrum head first and come out with either a rock ballad, an edgy/driven rock tune, a fast paced rap/rock song or a country twang all with catchy hooks and meaningful lyrics. When writing, I play with words and create images and feelings. I tell stories. I try to be completely honest and vulnerable and then watch in my mind and heart as the words manifest and then subsequently fall onto paper. I'll strum a few-mostly simple-chords, hum out a melody then apply the lyrics.

Fortunately, I've lived through some amazing occurances which has ultimately led me to write over 75 songs. I don't remember them all and not all of them have a direct correlation to my experiences but the situations I've been in have seasoned my music and thus helped me create. I write about Love, God, Fighting, Desperation, and Emotions.

Also, I'd like to add that I am bi-polar and an addict. There could be a whole chapter written on just what that diagnosis means to me and how it has affected my life in all aspects but for my music's sake, it has made me write incredibly depressing and wonderfully uplifting and inspiring songs.

My childhood was colorful. I was active and ambitious, determined and accelerated in everything I touched but I moved around a lot. However, this gave me an impeccable skill at making friends in new places. It has morphed me into a charismatic and charming adult. Using my personality and talent, I have positioned myself to do big things with big people but only to help those who don't have what I posess.

My goal is to become a historical figure. With music, I feel I'm writing my mark on the industry and there will come the time where I can wave a magic wand and fix the lives of those in suffering. That is my purpose. God has blessed me for a reason and it would be selfish if I didn't share those blessings.

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