Saturday, February 19, 2011

Glass Tower

A glass tower shatters in my mind
lucid in it's field
Intrepid, restless and meaningless
A tangled mess it yields
No fruit to enjoy and it bears no bounty
It's the only one left around
Deciding whether or not to destroy it
and leave its pieces on the ground
But why be so beligerant?
In an instant things can change
However somewhere in the mist
There's a lonely bottle of whiskey flushing down the drain
Darkness can be seen in a bazaar encounter with freedom
The serenity never lasts nor provides the means To build a kingdom
A glass tower wreckless indeed
Disappears in a days notice
A flower grown on concrete
With praying mantis and locusts
Then light
Dancing in a parade
A masquerade shuffles through
Blizzards nail the past
Letting dust settle
Forgiveness can't be found
Like a treasure
Jewels never to begotten
A glass tower shatters
ANd the man inside forgotten